Collected Memories

Today, I offer a bit of wisdom about writing (and a photograph):

My works are really just a collection of my memories and experiences, reinvented or reimagined.  I am the sum of my experiences, but am not necessarily limited by their bounds.  Why?  Because I am the sum of your experiences as well.  And yours and yours.  Every interaction I have, every person I meet or observe or view second-handedly through a movie or book adds to my experiences.  Multiplies them.  So, yes: I am the sum of my experiences, but I also share yours.

And, here’s the photograph that inspired that bit o’ wisdom.  This was taken while climbing Mount Cotopaxi in Ecuador.

Bleak, but beautiful.  It’s places like these that inspire artists of every kind.

Happy wisdom-collecting,

Author: KateBitters

Kate Bitters is a Minneapolis-based author and freelance writer. She is the author of Elmer Left, Ten Thousand Lines, and He Found Me. One of her proudest/nerdiest moments was when Neil Gaiman read one of her short stories on stage at the Fitzgerald Theater.

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