The Importance of Space

The beginning of the month was chaos.  Boxes everywhere, an overly big (and accident prone) moving truck, piles of clothes and shoes on the floor, a huge gap in my room where a bed should have been…

Moving is tough.  Any kind of change of environment is tough.  When we are surrounded by disorder and newness, it is easy to lose ourselves in the offending space.  It is easy to become discouraged.  Earlier this month, I remember sitting next to a mound of clothing, sorting through it sock-by-sock, and thinking, “Good grief, when did I accumulate so many tank tops?”

Assembling my desk…Dobby felt a little neglected!

But these steps are necessary–the sorting, the putting away, the ordering of toiletries, the creation of a system.  Without these steps, things get shoved aside for later and continue to linger in the backs of our minds.

The very root of Feng Shui (and if you don’t buy into any other part of the concept, buy into this…) is the creation of order and the removal of clutter.  The idea is that human beings function best in a clean, ordered, and uncomplicated environment.  Our bodies relax; our minds are put at ease; we are free to concentrate on things outside or our space–higher purposes.  Like writing.

Unfortunately, my writing took a blow this past November (ironic, since it is national novel-writing month).  I had trouble focusing in my new space.  I struggled to carve out an area in which I could write and work and concentrate.  But eventually, it did happen.  I built a desk; I bought a chair; I found homes for all my dishes, sweaters, hair products.  The beast with walls and floors and ceiling began to feel less like a container and more like a home.

Bedroom organization

I found my mind relaxing, and then it went beyond relaxation: it started to think creatively again.  I started to see the world in colors and textures, instead of in a Sin City-type black and white (slightly evil, extremely jarring).  My mind was back; my motivation was back.  Words began to flow.  And I learned a valuable lesson about the importance of space.  It might seem like an insignificant factor in our daily productivity and creativity, but our surroundings can have an eerie kind of power over us.  Don’t let it take the reins.  It is up to you to tame your space, make it your own, and make it work for you.

Happy organizing 😉

My Office


Author: KateBitters

Kate Bitters is a Minneapolis-based author and freelance writer. She is the author of Elmer Left, Ten Thousand Lines, and He Found Me. One of her proudest/nerdiest moments was when Neil Gaiman read one of her short stories on stage at the Fitzgerald Theater.

2 thoughts on “The Importance of Space

  1. Thanks for your timely inspiration, Kate! Saw the title of your post on facebook this morning and was called to read it. I've been running/working like a maniac for the last month, as well, working every night on projects in big preparation for a craft sale. My house is a wreck. I share your feelings! When this week is over (my craft sale is tomorrow), I will definitely be taking your advice to reduce and organize. My problem is, not only does it affect my creativity and productivity, but my husband's as well!

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